Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 1

Week one of mission slimpossible is over! Wanna know how it went?

Here is the results!
1 lb lost! 

I tracked my food everyday and here is what I learned:
The weekends are hard to eat healthy as I didn't get my veggies and fruit in... :/ and ate pizza and hot dogs. oh and movie theater popcorn... haha! Which was okay, but I went over a bit too much on my calories on those days. So next time, I will try to plan those things in to keep better track. 

I did pretty well on reducing my sweets, which was SUPER HARD! I don't know if any of you, except maybe my family, know how much I love them! I let myself finally have a brownie (that I made with applesauce instead of oil)* with two small scoops of ice cream! I loved every little bite. 

How I got through is I bought the dove promises dark chocolate with almonds and allowed myself 2-3 everyday. Trust me, I wanted more than that! But it was just enough to get me through. I usually waited until the evening after all my meals have been eaten to have it so that I could brush my teeth right after and be ready for bed.

One other thing, I felt hungry almost constantly! I guess when all of the sudden you start working out and lowering your calories, your body freaks out and thinks it is going to starve! I asked what other people do when this happens and here are some good suggestions they gave me:

1. Drink lots of water! Sometimes we confuse hunger with thirst. If you are still hungry 20 min after drinking water, eat something with protein or carbs with high fiber.
2. Eat more veggies, nuts, and protein
3. Eat 300 cal meals 5 times a day so that your body always has food to digest.
4. Chew gum

As far are exercise goes, I learned something here too:
That is what I did those first 3 days and then I was so sore I skipped my workouts for the rest of the week. I tried to run 7 miles, and walk 2 in between days plus 30 min of abs and arms strength training in 3 days. 
That was a lot for my body to handle all at once, especially when one of those nights I was up until 4 am and then tried to run in the heat of St George the next day!! Not too smart on my part haha! 
I need to learn what my limits are and not push too hard this time! The thing is I am trying to train for a half marathon and I have to train hard in order to make it!! 

Also just a side note, I haven't switched up my running route yet and I can tell my mind and body is ready for something fresh. It's good to switch things up! 

I feel like overall it was a good week. I learned alot! I had my moments of frustration and disappointment, but this is only week one! I have found that I really enjoy taking pictures of this new lifestyle, especially when I am out running and watching the sunset!

The quote on this picture is from Walt Disney, and I think it is very inspiring! here is the full quote:

"Around here, 
we don't look backwards for very long.
We keep moving forward, 
opening up new doors and doing new things, 
because we are curious... 
and curiosity keeps leading us
 down new paths."

*btw, I am sure a lot of you have heard this but you can replace oil with applesauce in a lot of cake recipes. It was still pretty good with the brownie, but it did change the texture a little. Just replace the amount of oil with the same amount of applesauce and then add 2 tbs of oil to help the texture. I think it works best with cakes though!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I love your new banner! Matches your cute blog much better! And I so feel ya on the running. Since I've been sick for a few days, I know when I run again, it's going to kick my butt.

    I also learned that you should eat something healthy that will provide energy about 20-30 minutes before your run, like a piece of fruit. Bananas seem to work great for me. I just need to remember that.

    You are doing great though Crystal, and please don't give up! I need someone to stick to it with me! I keep wanting to bail but know I need to keep going!
