Saturday, May 19, 2012


Ok, so I knew that this would happen and it sure did. Usually about 2 weeks into starting a new program I start to lose motivation... haha. 

Some of you know I have been job hunting and I have good news! I got a job!! Wahoo! I work at a financial aid office at the college. It is a great job and I work with great people, thank goodness! :) There is a lot more to financial aid than I thought, and so my brain for the past week has been a little bit crazy! 
(which basically means I didn't exercise and ate more sweets.. haha) 

So this is what I want to talk about.

While I was on my mission, we occasionally did our own version of a 40 day fast where we wrote down things we were going to give up that were holding us back from our full potential for 40 days. Its a lot harder than you think! For two reasons: change can be hard and once you set a goal, expect the devil to tempt you.

I think a big part of success comes from accepting setbacks, but not letting them stop you. You can't look at those obstacles as a reason to stop and go back to your old ways. We are going to make mistakes and we can't expect perfection. (Though I think a lot of us, including me, still do) Those moments happen to all of us and we need to look at them as something temporary to overcome and work through. 

I don't know who said that but I am a firm believer of it! Growing up I had a tendency to be super hard on myself and I came to realize that it wasn't helpful at all to talk negatively to myself!

I think the best way to overcome obstacles is to believe that you can! It's okay! Give yourself some room to breathe and realize tomorrow is another day! :)

So, I will try again tomorrow! 
Well maybe monday, since tomorrow is sunday.. :)

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree:) Keep trying, don't give up, and just keep moving forward! I have been slacking as well but I'm trying to get back on track. Sometimes we need a different source of motivation too. I agreed to run this half marathon to try and improve my energy and health. Well, I still am doing it for that reason, but I need a whole lot more reasons too and motivation... or rewards to keep me going! :) Now, I run to the gym, on the way there, there is a cute store (TJ Maxx) :) and I just look at the cute clothes I'll be able to fit into if I keep working out:) And I even talked Seth into letting me pay myself for the miles I run... not much but it helps.
